I recently turned 27 and thanks to my WishList this year I got the best gifts. My girlfriend got me a coffee grinder I wanted for a long time, my parents got me a shaving machine that I also wanted for a long time but couldn’t get myself to spend that much money on a shaving machine. Faride got me a barfix bar that she knew I wanted. Like that’s gonna help me to start working out 😀
And the best of all, emzi got our idea accepted in the accelerator of our choice. We’re a team of 3, we’ve known each other for years and we’re working on a fraud detection system that if it’s finished, it’s supposed to be implemented for one of the largest holdings in the region with more than 50 milion users.
So this is going to be my project for the next 6 months. I just hope I can get it together and be persistent on this one. Let’s see what the future holds for us.
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