Recently I was checking one of my Github repositories that was supposed to be a weekend project that I came across something strange. First let me give you a little bit of back story:
The project was simple. An easy managable wishlist app for all the things I’d like to purchase or I want my friends/family to get me on different occasions. Nothing fancy, no special features. Just a simple CRUD. That’s easy to do over a weekend, right? And it didn’t actually take much longer than that. But when I was checking the commits I saw that the first commit date goes back to three months ago. 3 months, that means 12 weeks and about 90 days to knock off a simple CRUD application with at most three pages.
Now I wasn’t working on this app for the better part of this 3 months, I can say I knocked it off in 1 or 2 weekends and spent the rest of the time basically not giving a damn about this project. But It shook me to the core that from the moment I laid hands on this project, It took 3 months to finish it.That shook my to the core. Nevertheless the time I spent on deciding to start working on the idea.
Anyway, I’m here with a better understanding on how I should manage and spend my time in the future, but still uncertain if I can change course to the right direction.
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